Wednesday, February 16, 2011

In The Begining...

I am going to begin my blog on Post Modern Christianity. You are welcome to follow along. Who would I like to follow this blog? Well, everyone! However, the people who I believe will follow this blog will be people who think for themselves, and has a pretty good grip on their own theology, cosmology. God and the universe.

I started this subject in my mind **Post Modern Christian** as I sat in a "emerging church" meeting in Tennessee. But my story starts way back many years ago. I will not go all the way back in my life and bore people. I will make a few points as I go along.

I strongly believe that churches have gotten themselves into a real big giant 'conundrum' to quote Seinfeld's "Newman".

So come journey with me! You may not agree with things I blog about but then again you don't have to because this is exactly what my blog is about. Religious freedom!

I look forward to hearing from you this year and on...

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